SPURGEON: the Prince of Preachers
Without human manipulations for altar calls, or using sensational and
emotional gimmicks, Spurgeon trusted on God alone to convict the sinners, as he
said, "I do not come to this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of
his own free will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter, I hope
that my Master will lay hold of some of them and say, ‘you are mine, and you
shall be mine, I claim you for myself.’ My hope arises from the freeness of
grace, and not from the freedom of the will."
He was born in Kelvedon,
As a teenager Spurgeon was doubting God and one Sunday morning he began to go to
Church to find the answers. Due to a snowstorm he could not go to the Church he
wanted to go and he reached a small
It didn’t take long to see
the fruit of his salvation. Spurgeon began to work for the Lord with much zeal.
He began to pass out tracts and then later he began to witness to people of
Jesus. Then he began to teach a Sunday School class.
He preached his first sermon when he was only 16, and people were amazed of a
teenager preaching with such power in the Word of God. When he was 17, he
became the pastor of a small
The New Park Street Pulpit
and the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, where Spurgeon preached, collected his
sermons during his ministry that would fill 63 volumes. The sermons 20-25
million words are equivalent to the 27 volumes of the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Spurgeon’s series stands as the
largest set of books by a single author in the history of Christianity.
Spurgeon’s personal library contained 12,000 volumes. Spurgeon looked upon his
ministry as a reformer as he was laboring to bring people
back to the truths they have left. Although the Protestant pastors were
evangelical they were weak in their doctrine. Spurgeon’s goal was to straightened the church with strong doctrine. Spurgeon said,
"My daily labor is to revive the old doctrines
of Gill, Owen, Calvin, Augustine and Christ." Spurgeon's theology was
God centered, Chirst centered and was a strong Calvinist, as he said, "The old truths that Calvin preached, that
Augustine preached, is the truth that I preach today, or else I would be false
to my conscience and my God. I cannot shape truth; I know of no such thing as
paring off the rough edges of a doctrine. John Knox's gospel is my gospel. And
that gospel which thundered through
"He that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall be damned,
weary sinner, hellish sinner, thou who art at the devil’s castaway, reprobate,
profligate, harlot, robber, thief, adulterer, fornicator, drunkard, swearer,-list! I speak to thee as to the rest. I exempt no
man. God hath said there is no exemption here. Whosoever believeth in the name
of Jesus Christ shall be saved. Sin is no barrier, the guilt is no obstacle.
Whosoever, though he were black as Satan, though he were guilty as a fiend -
whosoever this night believes shall every sin forgiven, shall every crime
effaced, shall every iniquity blotted out; shall be saved in the Lord Jesus
Christ, and shall stand in heaven safe and secure. That is the glorious gospel.
God apply it home to your hearts and give you faith in Jesus!" He also said in a very strong
manner, "There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write damnation
with your fingers."
When Spurgeon arrived at
Then a larger sanctuary was
built which was called the Metropolitan Tabernacle. During the construction of
the building once when he was inside, he was repeating the scripture,
"Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the
sins of the world." His words was heard by a man working somewhere in the
building. Later on that man came to Spurgeon and said that message of the verse
reached his heart, and he had come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. When the
building was done, it was the largest indoor congregation ever reached with
human voice in all history until that time. The following is a portion of his
first sermon in the new sanctuary.
Spurgeon said in his first
sermon in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, March 31, 1861.
"Let God send the
fire of His Spirit here, and the minister will be more and more lost in his
Master. You will come to think less of the speaker and more of the truth
Suppose the fire should come here, and the Master be seen more than the
minister, what then? Why, this church will become two, three and four thousand
strong.... We shall have the lecture hall beneath this platform crowded at each
prayer meeting, and we shall see in this place young men devoting themselves to
God; we shall find ministers raised up, and trained, and sent forth to carry
the sacred fire to other parts of the globe.... If God shall bless us, He will
make us a blessing to multitudes of others.
Let God but send down
the fire, and the biggest sinners in the neigbbourbood
will be converted; those who live in dens of infamy will be changed; the
drunkard will forsake his cups, the swearer will
repent of his blasphemy, the debauched will leave their lusts-
Dry bones be raised, and clothed afresh. And hearts of stone be
turned to flesh.
I do not come to this pulpit hoping that perhaps somebody will of his own free
will return to Christ. My hope lies in another quarter, I hope that my Master
will lay hold of some of them and say, ‘you are mine, and you shall be mine, I
claim you for myself.’ My hope arises from the freeness of grace, and not from
the freedom of the will."
Spurgeon said in another
time, "Suppose that God saved men on account of their merits. Where
would you drunkards be? Where would you swearers be? You
who have been unclean and unchaste, and you whose
hearts have cursed God, and who even now do not love him, where would you be? But
when it is all of grace, then all your past life, however black and filthy it
may be, need not keep you from coming to Jesus."
Spurgeon was a man of
prayer, not that he spent long hours in prayer but he lived in the spirit with
communion with God. According to Dr. Wayland Hoyt an American, "I was
walking with him in the woods, when we came to a certain place he said, come
let us pray and kneeling beside the log he lifted his soul to God in the most
loving and yet reverent prayer." Prayer was natural thing for him as
breathing. Then another American Dr. Theordore Cuyler was walking with Spurgeon in the woods, having a
humorous time, then suddenly Spurgeon stopped and said, "Come Theodore,
let us thank God for laughter" and prayed.
Spurgeon was a very humble
man, although thousands of people came to listen to him, he never took the
glory for himself, as he saw himself as nothing and gave all the glory to God. Spurgeon
said, " I always fell inclined to take
the very lowest room in my Father’s house, when I enter Heaven, it will be to
go among the less than the least of saints, and with the chief of
At the end of his years he
went through severe physical agony of a gout attack. Many a times he was in
great pain as he preached. He knew what suffering was, and his ministry was
attacked by opponents. The following is a letter he wrote to his brother.
My Dear Brother
I was taken ill while trying to preach on Thursday an awful depression and
choking sensation made my preaching a great misery I have taken medicine twice
but feel half dead.
Will you come prepared with a sermon on Sunday night for I may not be able to
preach? My teeth made me nervous, my liver made me giddy, and my heart made me
sorrowful. I hope I may get through the Conference, but yesterday I was very
far from hoping it. The strain Is terrible.
I want to get the College Report done, and time is running close
.... Hearty love,
Your grateful brother
Although sick, Spurgeon took time to write to a boy whom he had never met, and
whom he had learned only through the prayers of his parents.
During his last days he was only partly conscious, Mrs. Spurgeon and the
doctors knew that he was sinking away fast. He became totally unconscious on
Jan. 28 and on Jan 31, evening 1892 he entered heaven to be with our heavenly
Spurgeon's messages were
truly evangelistic. In one of his sermons he made this plea to the sinners.
"Sinner, trust n
Jesus; and if thou dost perish trusting in Jesus, I will perish with thee. I
will make my bed in hell, side by side with thee, sinner, if thou canst perish
trusting in Christ, and thou shalt lie there, and
taunt me to all eternity for having taught thee falsely, if we perish. But that
can never be; those who trust in Jesus shall never perish, neither shall any
pluck them out of his hand. Come to Jesus, and He will in no wise cast thee
May the Lord bless the words I have spoken! Though hastily suggested to my mind, and feebly delivered to you, the Lord bless them, for Chist's sake! Amen."